Friday 5 April 2013

Interview Questionary Set 1

1. What is ETL and what are the ETL tools?
ETL is process of Extract, Transform and Load the data into Datawarehousing in required format for decision making.

ETL Tools List:
·         Informatica PowerCenter
·         IBM DataStage
·         Ab Initio
·         Oracle Warehouse Builder
·         Microsoft SQL Server Integration
·         DT/Studio
·         Talend Studio..etc 

2. What is Informatica?
Informatica is an ETL tool provided by 'Informatica Corporation', it is used to Extraction, Transformation and Load process all types databases. Now a day’s Informatica is also being used as an Integration tool and it is Service Oriented Architecture.

3. What are the Informatica PowerCenter Tools.?
Informatica PowerCenter had 2 types of Tools:
Server Tools: Administrator Console and Integration Service.
Client Tools: Repository Manager, Mapping Designer, Workflow Manager and Workflow Monitor.

4. What are the PowerCenter Client Side Tools and their uses?
Informatica PowerCenter Client Side Tools are Repository Manager, Mapping Designer, Workflow Manager, Workflow Monitor, Data Transformation and Developer Client.

Repository Manager: It is use to organize and secure metadata by creating folders.
Mapping Designer: It is use to create and store mapping metadata in the repository. The Designer helps you create source definitions, target definitions and transformations to build the mappings. The Designer has tools to help to build mappings and mapplets so you can specify how to move and transform data between sources and targets.
Workflow Manager: It is use to store workflow metadata and connection object information in the repository. A workflow contains a session and any other task you may want to perform when you run a session. Tasks can include a session, email notification, or scheduling information. You connect each task with links in the workflow. In the Workflow Manager, you define a set of instructions called a workflow to execute mappings you build in the Designer.
Workflow Monitory: It is use to retrieve workflow run status information and session logs written by the Integration Service. A workflow is a set of instructions that tells an Integration Service how to run tasks. Integration Services run on nodes or grids. The nodes, grids, and services are all part of a domain. You can monitor workflows and tasks in the Workflow Monitor.

5. What are the PowerCenter Server Side Tools and their uses?
Informatica PowerCenter Server Side Tools are Administrator Console and Integration Service.

Administrator Console: Informatica Administrator is the administration tool that you use to administer the Informatica domain and Informatica security. It is used to Domain administrative tasks and Domain administrative tasks
Integration Service: The PowerCenter Integration Service is an application service that runs sessions and workflows. Use the Administrator tool to manage the PowerCenter Integration Service. It is used to create a PowerCenter Integration Service, Enable or disable the PowerCenter Integration Service, Configure normal or safe mode, Configure the PowerCenter Integration Service properties, Configure the associated repository, Configure the PowerCenter Integration Service processes, Configure permissions on the PowerCenter Integration Service and Remove a PowerCenter Integration Service.

6. What happen if the no of source records are more than the sequence generator no?
Error Message: Overflow error. The Sequence Generator transformation has reached the end of the configured end value.

7. What is Source Qualifier and tasks it performs?
The Source Qualifier transformation represents the rows that the Integration Service reads when it runs a session. The Source Qualifier Transformation convert relational or flat file datatypes into Informatica datatypes.

Tasks it performs:
·         Join data originating from the same source database
·         Filter rows when the Integration Service reads source data
·         Specify an outer join rather than the default inner join
·         Specify sorted ports
·         Select only distinct values from the source
·         Create a custom query to issue a special SELECT statement for the Integration Service to read source data

8. What is Filter, Router and what is difference between them?
Filter: The Filter transformation to filter out rows in a mapping which are passing through it. The Filter transformation allows rows that meet the specified filter condition to pass through. It drops rows that do not meet the condition. You can filter data based on one or more conditions.
Router: A Router transformation is similar to a Filter transformation because both transformations allow you to use a condition to test data. A Filter transformation tests data for one condition and drops the rows of data that do not meet the condition. However, a Router transformation tests data for one or more conditions and gives you the option to route rows of data that do not meet any of the conditions to a default output group.

9. What is Joiner and why we use sorted input option?
The Joiner transformation is used join source data from two related heterogeneous sources residing in different locations or file systems. We can also join data from the same source. The use Joiner transformation sources should have at least one matching column. The Joiner transformation uses a condition that matches one or more pairs of columns between the two sources.

User of Sorted Input: To improve session performance by configuring the Joiner transformation to use sorted input. When you configure the Joiner transformation to use sorted data, the Integration Service improves performance by minimizing disk input and output. If the sorted input option is select then we are telling Informatica integration service that we have passing sorted data to the joiner transformation.

10. What is Union Transformation?
The Union transformation is a multiple input group transformation that you use to merge data from multiple pipelines or pipeline branches into one pipeline branch. It merges data from multiple sources similar to the 'UNION ALL' SQL statement to combine the results from two or more SQL statements. Similar to the UNION ALL statement but the Union transformation does not remove duplicate rows.

11. What is Update Strategy and Forward rejected rows?
Update Strategy is used to update/delete the data from target table other than insert the records. In General the data passes through source to target is only for insert.

Forward Rejected Rows:
The Forward Rejected Rows option is used to either pass rejected rows to next transformation or drop them. By default the Integration Service forward rejected rows to next transformation. The Integration Service flags the rows for reject and writes them to the session log file and passes to reject file. If you do not select Forward Rejected Rows option the Integration Service drops rejected rows and writes them to the session log file.

12. What is transaction control transformation?
The Transaction Control transformation is used to control the data flow through it by commit and roll back transactions. A transaction is the set of rows bound by commit or roll back rows. We can define a transaction based on a varying number of input rows. It can be controlled two level within a mapping or within a session.

13. What is Lookup and How many types of Lookup?
Lookup transformation is used to look up data in a flat file, relational table, view, or synonym based on lookup conditions before loading data into target.

Types of Lookup:

·         Connected Lookup transformation to receive input directly from the mapping pipeline.
·         It can be a dynamic or static cache.
·         Cache includes the lookup source columns in the lookup condition and the lookup source columns that are output ports.
·         Can return multiple columns from the same row or insert into the dynamic lookup cache.
·         If there is no match for the lookup condition, the Integration Service returns the default value for all output ports. If it configure dynamic caching, the Integration Service inserts rows into the cache or leaves it unchanged.
·         If there is a match for the lookup condition, the Integration Service returns the result of the lookup condition for all lookup/output ports. If it configure dynamic caching, the Integration Service either updates the row the in the cache or leaves the row unchanged.
·        Pass multiple output values to another transformation. Link lookup/output ports to another transformation.
·         Supports user-defined default values.

·         Unconnected Lookup transformation to receive input from the result of a :LKP expression in another transformation.
·         Use a static cache.
·        Cache includes all lookup/output ports in the lookup condition and the lookup/return port.
·         Designate one return port (R). Returns one column from each row.
·         If there is no match for the lookup condition, the Integration Service returns NULL.
·         If there is a match for the lookup condition, the Integration Service returns the result of the lookup condition into the return port.
·         Pass one output value to another transformation. The lookup/output/return port passes the value to the transformation calling :LKP expression.
·         Does not support user-defined default values.

14. What is cache and How many types of cache?
The cache is memory allocation for that instance in the server. The Integration Service builds a cache in memory when it processes the first row of data in a cached Lookup transformation. It allocates memory for the cache based on the amount you configure in the transformation or session properties.

Types of cache:

Persistent cache: Once save the lookup cache files and reuse them the next time the Integration Service processes a Lookup transformation configured to use the cache.
Re-cache from lookup source: If the persistent cache is not synchronized with the lookup table, you can configure the Lookup transformation to rebuild the lookup cache.
Static cache: The cache that cannot be changed through the session. It caches the lookup file or table and looks up values in the cache for each row that comes into the transformation. When the lookup condition is true, the Integration Service returns a value from the lookup cache. The Integration Service does not update the cache while it processes the Lookup transformation. By default the Integration Service creates a static cache and it read only.
Dynamic cache: The cache that can be changed through the session. The Integration Service dynamically inserts or updates data in the lookup cache and passes the data to the target. The dynamic cache is synchronized with the target. To cache a table, flat file, or source definition and update the cache, configure a Lookup transformation with dynamic cache.
Shared cache: The cache which can be used between multiple transformations. A named cache can be used more than one place within the same mapping. A unnamed cache can be used more than one or more places within mapping or different mappings.
Pre-build lookup cache: When you configured for sequential caches, the Integration Service creates caches as the source rows enter the Lookup transformation. When you configure the session to build concurrent caches, the Integration Service does not wait for the first row to enter the Lookup transformation before it creates caches. Instead, it builds multiple caches concurrently.

15. What is difference between static and dynamic cache?
Static cache:
·         We cannot insert or update the cache
·         We can use relational, flat-file or pipeline lookup.
·         When the condition is true the Integration Service returns a value from the lookup table or cache.
·        When the condition is false the Integration Service returns the default value for connected lookup and NULL for un-connected lookup.

Dynamic cache:
·         We can insert or update rows in the cache as the rows pass to the target.
·         We can use relational, flat-file or pipeline lookup.
·         When the condition is true the Integration Service either updates rows in the cache or leaves the cache unchanged, depending on the row type. This indicates that the row is in the cache and target table. It can pass updated rows to a target.
·        When the condition is not true, the Integration Service either inserts rows into the cache or leaves the cache unchanged, depending on the row type. This indicates that the row is not in the cache or target. It can pass inserted rows to a target table.

16. What is named cache?
When you want to share a persistent cache file across mappings then they it will be named and that can be used. The caching structures must match or be compatible with a named cache. It can share static and dynamic named caches.

17. What is difference between re-usable transformation and mapplet?
A transformation which is created in Transformation developer is called re-usable transformation and which is used more than one mapping.

A mapplet is a set of transformations with a business logic which can be used more than one mapping.

18. What is Normalizer and why we use it?
The Normalizer transformation is which convert a each single row into set of multiple rows.

Uses of it:
The Normalizer transformation is used to convert a row that contains multiple-occurring columns and returns a row for each instance of the multiple-occurring data.

The Normalizer transformation is used as Source Qualifier for Cobol/VSAM files.

19. What happen if the cache overflows?
If the cache data overflow then the Integration Service stores the overflow values in the cache files. Once the session completes, the Integration Service delete cache files unless you configure the lookup transformation to use a persistent cache.

20. What is data driven?
Integration Service follows instructions coded into Update Strategy and Custom transformations within the session mapping to determine how to flag rows for insert, delete, update, or reject.

21. What is target load plan?
Target Load Plan is the order in which the Integration Service sends rows to targets in different target load order groups in a mapping.

A target load order group is the collection of source qualifiers, transformations, and targets linked together in a mapping. We can set the target load order if you want to maintain referential integrity when inserting, deleting, or updating tables that have the primary key and foreign key constraints.

The Integration Service reads sources in a target load order group concurrently, and it processes target load order groups sequentially.
22. What happen if the Source Qualifier one of port not connected to source definition?
The Integration Service through an internal error. The Source Qualifier contains an unbounded field [LOC].

23. What is constraint based load, can we update in constraint based load?
The Constraint based load order is process to load the data first in Parent table then Child Table. When you specify constraint-based loading for a session then the Integration Service orders the target load on a row-by-row basis. For every row generated by an active source, the Integration Service loads the corresponding transformed row first to the primary key table, then to any foreign key tables. The Constraint based load ordering attribute applies only to insert operations.

When you enable complete constraint-based loading, change data is loaded to targets in the same Transaction Control Unit (TCU) by using the row ID assigned to the data by the CDC Reader. As a result, data is applied to the targets in the same order in which it was applied to the sources. The following message will be issued in the session log to indicate that this support is enabled:

WRT_8417 Complete Constraint-Based Load Ordering is enabled.

To enable complete constraint-based loading, specify FullCBLOSupport=Yes in the Custom Properties attribute on the Config Object tab. This property can also be set in the PowerCenter Integration Service, which makes it applicable to all workflows and sessions that use that the PowerCenter Integration Service.

If you use complete constraint-based loading, your mapping must not contain active transformations which change the row ID generated by the CDC Reader. The following transformations change the row Id value: Aggregator, Custom, configured as an active transformation, Joiner, Normalizer, Rank and  Sorter.

24. How to update target without using update strategy?
By selecting Treat source rows as “update” in session properties tab.

25. How many ways we can update target table?
We can update target table in 3 ways.
1.    By selecting Treat source rows as “update” in session properties tab.
2.    By using Update Strategy in mapping with DD_UPDATE function in it and by selecting Treat source rows as “Data driven” in session properties tab.
3.    By using Update Override in Target instance in mapping.


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  76. Intuit has comes up many accounting software like Quicken , Intuit Tax Online Accountant, QuickBooks GoPayment, Mint,TaxCaster by TurboTax,MyTaxRefund by TurboTax,TurboTax SnapTax,Online Payroll, QuickBooks Online but the users of Quickbooks are more than other products . Even if you make a search on the Google Quickbooks Support Phone Number you will probably confused when a so many number comes up in the search results ,because Intuit is dealing with so many products that why each product and each region they having the different Tech Support official .

  77. Are you scratching your head and stuck with your QuickBooks related issues, you may be just one single click far from our expert tech support team for your QuickBooks related issues. We, are leading technical support provider for all your QuickBooks related issues. Either it’s day or night, we offer hassle-free technical support for QuickBooks and its particular associated software in minimum possible time. Our dedicated technical team is available for you yourself to 24X7, 365 days a year to ensure QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number and services at any hour. We assure you the quickest solution of all your QuickBooks software related issues.

  78. QuickBooks Support Number has a great deal to offer to its customers in order to manage every trouble that obstructs your projects. There are tons many errors in QuickBooks such as difficulty in installing this software, problem in upgrading the software in to the newer version so that you can avail the most recent QuickBooks features, trouble in generating advanced reports, difficulty with opening company file in multi-user mode and thus on and so forth.

  79. Everbody knows there are always two sides to a coin and QuickBooks Tech Support Number isn't any different. This software also throws some errors in the end. Sometimes it becomes difficult to know this might be with this error code or message.


  80. A QuickBooks Payroll Support 2019 service is a web page you are able to activate by firmly taking the subscription allow it to be easy for the top top features of Payroll in your QuickBooks desktop software.

  81. Many of us resolves most of the QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number issue this type of a fashion that you'll yourself believe that your issue is resolved without you wasting the time into it. We take toll on every issue through the use of our highly trained customer care.


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  83. No matter if you're getting performance errors or you are facing any kind of trouble to upgrade your software to its latest version, you can quickly get assistance with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number.

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  86. Our twenty four hours available QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone number channel at provides on demand priority support each and every and every customer without compromising utilizing the quality standards.

  87. QuickBooks, a software solution which is developed in such a manner that you can manage payroll, inventory, sales and every other need of a small business. Each QuickBooks software option would be developed relating to different industries and their demands to be able to seamlessly manage your entire business finance at any time and in one go. No need to worry if you should be stuck with QuickBooks issue in midnight as our technical specialists at QuickBooks Tech Support Number is present twenty-four hours a day to serve you using the best optimal solution right away.

  88. Hope now you recognize that just how to interact with and QuickBooks Enterprise Help Number. We've been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks.

  89. Our support services are not limited to the above list. A large number of people are successfully availing the outstanding options that come with our tech support team desk for QuickBooks. With a massive customer base, we now have achieved the 100% satisfaction rate from customers around the world. You too can avail our support services on just a call. Don’t hesitate to contact us at Intuit QuickBooks Support if you encounter any kind of technical bug in QuickBooks.


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  91. Most of us works 24*7 and serve its customers with excellent service each time they contact us. Regardless of what issue is and however complex it really is, we assure you that we offers you optimal solution as soon as possible.

  92. Now it's possible for each and every user to attain us in case of performance error in your QuickBooks. You are able to reach us at QuickBooks 2018 Tech Support number. If you are facing problem in upgrading, downgrading to different versions of one's QuickBooks, it is possible to reach us at QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number.

  93. As company file plays a really crucial role in account management, so that it becomes a little tough to spot. QuickBooks Support Phone Number + 1888-567-1159 File corruption issue is a bit tricky, however, you certainly will overcome it for very long as per the second instances:

  94. The customers can contact QuickBooks Support Number team regarding their enterprise solutions, their service can solve any of the problem that you are facing. Clients can tell them their enterprise issues and easily can get the solution that they are looking for, in this content we focuses on telling the customers about QuickBooks enterprise solutions hosting service in details.

  95. Would you like to Update QuickBooks Pro? We now have was able to make it simple for you at QuickBooks Support Phone Number. It is almost always simpler to focus on updated version as it helps you incorporate all of the latest features in your software and assists you undergo your task uninterrupted. You will find simple steps that you must follow. Firstly, click on file and choose the chance Open & Restore. Now open the file and click on Update Company File for New Version. And now maybe you are all set.

  96. Payroll management is actually an essential part these days. Every organization has its own employees. Employers want to manage their pay. The yearly medical benefit is vital. The employer needs to allocate. But, accomplishing this manually will require enough time. Aim for QuickBooks Toll Free Phone Number. This can be an excellent software. You can actually manage your finances here. That is right after your accounts software. You'll be able to manage staffs with ease.

  97. QuickBooks Enterprise Support contact number is assisted by an organization this is certainly totally dependable. It is a favorite proven fact that QuickBooks Support has had about plenty of improvement in the area of accounting.

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  99. Inventory Management: Inuit has surely made inventory management a valuable feature of this QuickBooks. Given that user can very quickly cope with vendors and wholesalers and payment (pending or advance) pertaining to vendors and wholesalers. Our QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support team will surely there for you to guide and assist you in inventory management.

  100. If you run an organization and that too a huge one, you can’t afford to commit mistake in QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number calculation and that is where QB Payroll plays its part.

  101. By using QuickBooks Payroll Helpline Number, you're able to create employee payment on time. However in any case, you might be facing some problem when making use of QuickBooks payroll such as for instance issue during installation, data integration error, direct deposit issue, file taxes, and paychecks errors, installation or up-gradation or simply just about some other than you don’t panic, we provide quality QuickBooks Payroll help service. Here are some features handle by our QB online payroll service.

  102. We actually deliver upper end, quality tech support team services to all our customers. We are also offered to assist you at our phone number for QuickBooks Support Number .

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  105. The difference that people make amongst our competitors is that our services can be found 24*7. But we have made sure which our services are there not merely for namesake. We actually deliver top end, quality QuickBooks Customer Support Number team services to any or all our customers.

  106. So, you will find a great amount of solutions by going to their site and looking at their online forum page. Contacting QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number experts via e-mail If you should be having concerns, you're going to get support by sending your queries through e-mail towards the QuickBooks Payroll support experts. This technique is still prevalent as much business owners still make use of the e-mail system of contacting experts for support.

  107. Our QuickBooks Support telephone number channel- We comprehend the complexity and need using this accounting software in day to day life. You can’t watch out for more or less time for it to get a fix of each and every single QB error. Therefore we have designed a especially dedicated team of certified professionals at QuickBooks Support contact number that are able to understanding your issues and errors in minimum time as well as in probably the most convenient way. Dial our QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number and avail the top solution you will need.

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  117. If you’re encountering any kind of QuickBooks’ related problem, you'll get all of that problems solved simply by utilising the QuickBooks Support Phone Number.

  118. Our twenty four hours available QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support channel provides on demand priority support to each and every customer without compromising with the quality standards. You named an error and we have the clear answer, this is perhaps one of the most luring features of QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number channel available on a call.You can very quickly avail our other beneficial technical support services easily once we are just a single call away from you.

  119. QuickBooks Support Phone Number are certified Pro-advisors’ and has forte in furnishing any kind of technical issues for QuickBooks. They have been expert and certified technicians of the domains like QuickBooks accounting, QuickBooks Payroll, Point of Sales, QuickBooks Merchant Services and Inventory issues to provide 24/7 service to our esteemed customers.

  120. This advanced navigation tool and easy understandable user interface makes this software an ideal choice for non-accountants users also. So if you are facing any problem in QuickBooks Enterprise then reach our experts by dialing our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number.

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    offers an extensive financial solution, where it keeps all your valuable business accounting requirements within one place. From estimates to bank transfers, invoicing to tracking your expenses and staying on top of bookkeeping when it comes to tax time, it is prepared for several from it at one go.

  122. Everyone might be thinking about why QuickBooks is great accounting software. Well, it is because of the high efficiency and 100% customer satisfaction. And you also get the best technical support through the QuickBooks Support Phone Number team so that you work properly on your accounts and boost your business.

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  126. The QuickBooks support contact number is toll-free plus the professional technicians handling your support call may come up with an immediate solution that may permanently solve the glitches. The QuickBooks Support Phone Number can be reached all through almost all the time together with technicians are highly trained to manage the glitches which can be bugging your accounting process.

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  129. QuickBooks Desktop Support Number may be contacted to learn the methods to generate a computerized backup to truly save all your employee-related data from getting bugged or lost at any circumstances.


  130. It is a huge task to manage the manufacturing andwholesaling of the product. Quick Books Enterprise can easily manage the wholesaleindustries by prevailing the software. User can manage the manufacturing and wholesale business by having one dashboard. You can manage your inventory without taking any pain with the help of advanced inventory tool. This software has centralized dashboard that allows user to manage everything at one place. It can manage everything from beginning to end like pick, pack and shipping of every item. The moment you get in touch with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number, our world class team of QB Enterprise Experts will be right at your disposal to comprehend the nature of support needed for addressing your issue.

  131. QuickBooks Technical Support Number team comprises of a lot of experts who are highly knowledgeable and still have problem-solving skills to deal with any kind of glitches, bugs or errors which can be hindering QuickBooks software performance to begin with.

  132. You'll need never to worry most likely as you are seeking help beneath the guidance of supremely talented and skilled support engineers that leave no stone unturned to land you of all of the errors which are part and parcel of QuickBooks Tech Support.

  133. QuickBooks Support Phone Number supplies the Outmost Solution of one's Software Issues. Although, QuickBooks is a robust accounting platform that throws less errors when compared with others. It will always be been the absolute most challenging task to efficiently manage the business accounts in a geniune and proper way by simply having the best and proper solutions.

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